Tuesday, May 19, 2009

More ICFF Coverage

Looking at the coverage of the International Contemporary FURNITURE Fair (capitals mine) on the blogowebs, I'm noticing something I just now have been able to put my finger on: there's not a whole lot of furniture. Is it just me or is ICFF suffering from mission-creep? I mean, a bicycle, as cool as it is, isn't furniture. Neither are walkers, floor coverings, faucets or litter boxes. That's right, the winner of the ICFF Editors Award for accessories went for a litter box. I thought accessories were things like vases, trays and candle holders. But what do I know? Next year, I hope to go to the show and ask them what's the deal.

Until then, here's more coverage, and some of the items are actual pieces of furniture! (Thank you, designsponge, for writing about wooden furniture.)






A flickr group: http://www.flickr.com/photos/keegiespics/sets/72157618285742232/

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